Qualifying. Everyone runs in qualifying. The top 5 cars with the greatest distance, go on to the finals. Here are a few of the qualifying runs.
Here is the line up for 2008. Not quite as many cars as in past years, but a good showing all the same.
James' run - good, but not good enough. Maybe if you spent more time on your car than on your Anime costume James, you would have won!
This entry barely made it off the starting platform. The car owner was too embarrassed to claim the run for themselves. Better luck next time!
David's qualifying run was good enough to land him in the finals!
Anticipation was high when the Noodle took it's place on the starting line. Unfortunately, it proved to be a little slow on delivery. Better luck next time Tom!
Tammie gave it a good shot on her qualifying run. But it wasn't good enough to make it to the finals.
This 3 wheel design by David, needed a little more stabilty around the front wheel. David thought the extra piece of balsam wood on the drive shaft was all it needed. It helped, but it wasn't good enough.
Heard of train racing? This is the Piccolo Pete version of it. If one car is good, two has to be better right?