Thursday, July 4, 2013

2013 Race is in the Books

It was a great day for racing!  For a moment I thought we were going to have a first time 1st place winner, but it was not to be.  'Always the bridesmaid, but never the bride Wagstaff' came in third - again.  He came in first during qualifying with a brilliant run - quite possibly the longest run in our 17 year history - but his car hit the wall in the finals and veered off the track, passed under a parked car finally coming to a rest on the curb.

Here are the winners (left to right):
Tom - 2nd place, Nick - 1st place, and David - 3rd place.

It was definitely a great day for racing.  Here is a link to David's first run.  I'll be updating the blog with more later.  Sign up for an email notification (in the upper left hand corner of this page) so you don't miss out on the fun.